This time on the podcast the guys discuss nicknames and the slow death of friendships. Later the guys talk about the popcorn trick at the movies and whether anyone has seriously tried it on a date. Plus sex like in porn, dying in the saddle, so to speak and more!
In this edition of the Pop Clips podcast the guys listen to a bunch of clips and comment on them, as usual. Today the guys listen to Queen Latifah offer famous quitter Marina Schifrin a job on her show. plus they listen to a reporter get hit by a car, Lady Gaga’s new song, a top ten hit from 1959, a guy playing Inspector Gadget theme song on his home made instrument and a probably staged subway fight.
The podcast starts off with Cline not interrupting Mark’s rant about how he hates John Tesh and his horrible radio show. Later the guys wonder how long the local news can last with most people not watching anymore. Eventually all of their viewers will be dead. Plus recycling, bad television, door to door salesmen at home and more!
In the first podcast of the week the guys talk about people who always need to be out with other people and the guys discuss how there is something wrong with you if that is the way you live your life. Cline tells some more tales of rejection and shares a theory on how really big guys are not tall that tough. Plus the guys talk about getting hit on, Gilbert Gottfried, live Podcasts and more!
To start off the podcast Mark claims that he is on some kind of roll. He never got around to saying what he was rolling on . One thing he wasn’t doing, because he is too scared to gamble, is playing games at the the casino. Later the guys talk about passing the bar exam and proper hand positions while driving. Cline then tells the story of his awful weekend and a tale about losing an important document. The guys talk about identity theft and wonder how easy it would actually back and a trip to the DMV. After that the guys talk about all the filth that is in our food everyday and come up with a new restaurant idea. Plus the guys discuss a loose bull that killed a lady and a hostage situation at Wal-Mart that Mark claims he wasn’t a witness to.