Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bruce Lee’s Martial Arts Secrets-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Pop Clips!


This week on the podcast the guys listen to clips from all our favorite vloggers, including the long lost Holliebelle, who was disapointing at best with her latest clips.The guys also listen to Burn My Goat Guy, who is now selling Bruce Lee’s martial arts secrets on Fiverr. The guys also listen to Justin Bieber’s latest shitty song and the top song this week in 1994.

2015 NFL Picks Week 3-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast

nfl picks3

Another week of NFL picks is here and right on time. The guys put the bare minimum of effort into picking their winners for week three of the NFL season. So far it has been a tight race between the guy who loves football and the guy who couldn’t care less about any sports. In fact, Mark took a slight lead last week after a crazy Sunday of NFL games that had outcomes that were largely unpredictable. This week Cline tries to take back his rightful place on top of the standings of this two man race.

A Snack That Cleans Your Teeth-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 514


This time on the podcast the guys talk about snacks that clean your teeth. Mark talks about how he hates gum and prefers mints. Later the guys talk about the live shows they performed for Buffalo Infringement festival. Plus the guys talk about Mark getting dumped, running, premature ejaculation and more!

Atari: Game Over Review And More-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Movie/TV Cynics


This week the guys discuss more movies streaming on your favorite devices, including the documentary, Atari: Game Over, which chronicles the rise and fall of the iconic video game company and the search for the “worst game of all time”, E.T. The guys also talk about Jersey Boys and more!

Mr. Go Is A Gorrilla That Plays Baseball-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Episode 485


This time on the podcast the guys talk about Mr. Go, dancing with strange girls, the percentage of single people and veterinarians.


Who let a Gorrilla play baseball?: Mr. Go


