Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ed Sheeran Makes All The Ladies Swoon-The Hotshot Whiz Kids podcast Pop Clips!


This time on the Pop Clips podcast the guys check in with Kimmy who is super excited about her fourth audition for The Voice. The guys also hear what HollieBelleAK is up to, which evidently not much. Later the guys listen to a few other annoying Vloggers before they listen to Biz Markie steal a hook from Freddie Scott and listen to the classic number one hit Wake Me Before You Go Go.

Dumb Parodies And Counting Blue Cars-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Pop Clips!


This time on the program the guys check in with everyone’s favorite Vlogger Kimmy, who updates us on her living situation and her continued misery. Later the guys listen to a series of newscasts that warn everyone about the evils of listening to heavy metal music. Plus the guys talk about the Lady Antebellum plagiarism controversy from a few years back and the fresh plagiarism controversy  involving Amy Schumer . Plus the guys take a look back at the One-Hit wonders Dishwalla’s song Counting Blue Cars!

Casual Misogyny And Pawn Stars-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 561

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This time on the show the guys talk about casual misogyny,  health insurance, Will Smith’s kids and Paula Poundstone. Plus the guys discuss Pawn Stars and how all those reality shows are basically fake. They also talk about Fuller house being jealous and more!

2015 NFL Picks Week 16


After last week’s picks Cline edged closer to Mark and now is only five correct picks behind with two weeks left in the regular season. He will try to get closer with this weeks picks for week 16.

Here Comes Your Man Vs. Here Comes Your Girl-The Hotshot Whiz kids Podcast Pop Clips


This time we listen to more crazy Vloggers, a little girl’s words of wisdom and a horrible Christmas song topping the Billboard Holiday charts. Plus, the guys compare and contrast the Pixies Here Comes Your Man with Top Petty’s Here Comes My Girl.