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Who The hell Is Looking For Another Bridget jones’ Diary Sequel?-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast TV/ Movie Cynics


This time on the show the guys talk about the Stephen Hawking biopic, The Theory of Everything. This leads tot he guys talking about Lou Gehrig disease and his famous speech. They also talk about not going to see Barman vs. Superman and listen to the new Bridget Jones Diary installment. Plus, age brackets, Kardashian rise to fame and more?

Full House is The Work Of The Devil!-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Pop Clips!


The guys are back with yet another episode of Pop Clips. the guys listen to one of the better Kimmy vlogs and one of her worst covers. later the guys listen to a few new vloggers and a guy who tells us about how evil Full House and Fuller house are. Plus he  presents an interesting theory about how he believes Jennifer Lawrence is a clone of Erin Brockovich.  Plus more!


Why Would You Eat Cake By The Ocean?-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Pop Clips!


his time on the show the guys start off by talking about all the characters they used to see on a regular basis at their local mall. Finally, they get to some clips and listen to Katt Williams latest legal woes at a pool store. Plus the latest Kimmy V-logs, weird girls showing their haul, comparing and contrasting the hollies Bus Stop with Rihanna’s Umbrella, Cake By The Ocean and a hot track from Mr. Mister!

Fuller House Review -TV Movie Cynics Netflix Hulu Reviews


This time on the show Cline reviews the new Netflix nostalgia series , Fuller house. Plus the guys discuss other TV and movies including Academy award winning film, Room and more!

A Version Of Facebook That Only Posts The Horrible things In Your Life-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 575


This time on the show Mark explains how it would be impossible for him to die in a fire. Later the guys discuss overconfidence and decide that having low self esteem is actually has its advantages, mainly not dying while doing risky things. Plus the guys talk about Jim Rome, crazy twitter feminists, twitter likes, Assbook, the dark Facebook, and Cline once again complains about his nemesis (Bully) back in high school.