Category Archives: Uncategorized

Try My Creme Brulee-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 679

This time on the show the guys discuss the passage of time. Later the guys talk about the differences between guys and girls masturbation habits and the primitive male brain. Plus dumb lawyers, beer commercials, clueless cooking and Pop Clips!

Friday The 13th Meatball and Making Love-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 677

This time on the show the guys are yelling about magic powers that involve the eternal smell of shit.  Plus the guys propose a Friday The 13th Meatballs mash-up. Later the guys talk about pulling a Louie C.K. and all the sexual assault and harassment charges. During Pop Clips the guys listen to Kimmy answer horrible questions, pie reviews and they listen to a scandalous 1959 song about Making Love.

American Flags and Period Pants-The Hotshot Whiz kids Podcast Episode 670

This time on the show the guys discuss couples confiding in Mark, never changing your mind, scientific studies, American flag flying assholes, American accents and more!  Plus the guys listen to an Irish family corral a bat, Kimmy’s latest rant, Saphira Fashion’s period pants and more!

I have The Best Toys-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 669

This time the guys discuss toys and the competition between friends to have the best toys. The guys also discuss alternative movie posters, threesomes, burn victims and more! Plus Pop Clips and the song of the week!

Wheel of Spouses-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 668

This time on the show the guys discuss Cline’s continued domination of the death pool with the death of Jerry Lewis. Later Cline invents the Wheel of Spouses which could have many potential uses. Plus the guys visit Kimmy, listen tot he worst movie pitch ever and more!

2017 Death Pool Update: Cline 28 Mark 0

Mike Mark
Joe jackson (88) Hugh hefner (90)
Jerry Lewis (91) George Bush sr. (92)
Glenn Campbell (81) Barbara Bush (90)
Dick cheney (75) Bill Cosby (79)
Billy Joel (67) Charlie Sheen (51)
charlotte rae (90) Donald Trump
Don Rickles (90) Lamar Odom (36)