Category Archives: Problem Solvers

Problem Solvers: Debt

On this Problem Solvers edition of the Podcast the guys try to solve the problem of Debt. As usual they get a bit off track and in the end come up with very few answers to the problem

Debt sucks.
Debt sucks.

at hand.

Problem Solvers: Bullies

Bullies? Not a problem anymore.
Bullies? Not a problem anymore.

It’s Friday, which means the guys are going to solve yet another problem. This week on the podcast the guys will try to put an end to bullying.

Problem Solvers:Terrorism

Problem Solvers.
Problem Solvers.

Terrorism, it’s a problem. We probably don’t have all, or any really, the answers but we will try anyway on this Problem Solvers Edition of the podcast.

Problem Solvers: The Prison System

Elvis always made the best of his prison stays.
Elvis always made the best of his prison stays.

Turns out there might be way too many criminals. Prison overcrowding has increasingly become a problem in recent years and helped keep everyone’s favorite drug addict and criminal mastermind Lindsey Lohan out of the clink. At the same time some say crime rates are increasing in the nation’s biggest cities. This has many wondering how we are going to house all of these prisoners in the coming years. Luckily for you, as usual, The Hotshot Whiz Kids have all of the answers on the latest Problem Solvers edition of the Podcast.

Problem Solvers: Global Warming


This time the guys take on the somewhat controversial topic of Global warming. The Whiz Kids are not scientists, but they have some ideas that may solve all of our problems when it comes to climate change.