All posts by The Hotshot Whiz Kids

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 237

The guys start the week off by talking about the term “love handles” and briefly discuss how insulting that an be. After that Cline talks about his new pair of gloves which he called “Bum Gloves”. Later the guys talk about people who still believe in Bigfoot and how silly their beliefs are. Plus they talk about underage drinking, dirty fighting techniques, and a future where there are numerous old people online looking for dates because of the lower marriage rates and higher divorce rates we are achieving.

You’re right, a creature that there is no scientific evidence of existing is real, because we saw these grainy videos.

Shut Up And Watch The Movie!: Dead Sleep

This week the guys take on yet another Lina Blair film. In the movie Blair plays a Young nurse that investigates suspicious deaths in a psychiatric ward. The movie takes place in Australia and had a surprising amount of topless scenes that unfortunately did not include Linda Blair’s bare breasts. Get your Netflix ready and enjoy!

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Minisode 72

The guys start off by talking about being found frozen in 10,000 years and what the future scientists would find. Later Cline tells Mark about the movie Freaks and how the legless and arm less guy from the movie had lots of kids.  Plus, Mark’s hatred of Iced Tea, Gorillas In The Mist and more!

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 236

When you’re too poor to max out credit cards, K-mart still finds a way to take your money!

Mark starts off by talking about his package and the problems associated with his package. Later the guys talk about going bald and how they think they are safe from male pattern baldness. Plus the guys talk about clever marketing, being too poor to buy food, candy canes, Lay-Away at K-mart, dress codes at dance clubs and more!

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Minisode 71

Would you sleep with Joan Rivers?

This time guys start out by talking about the new Carrie remake, Mark’s autobiography, Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia, bibliographies and writing school papers. Plus they talk about Justin Bieber’s strange look, having sex with Joan Rivers, poor people food, waking up to breakfast in your mouth and more!