All posts by The Hotshot Whiz Kids

Shut Up And Watch The Movie!: Flashdance



This time the guys provide commentary for the 1983 classic, Flashdance. It is the tale of a Pittsburgh girl who is a welder by day and a dancer by night. It features classic bad 80’s songs and a horrible script. Enjoy!



The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Network Minisode 84

Soon you will be able to text 911. I’m sure the operators will enjoy all of the penis pics that will surely be sent to them.

Mark is angry again and annoyed with people posting things on the internet and elsewhere about their lives. Then the guys talk about how in the near future you will be able to text 911 when there is an emergency. Cline also tells a story of when he had to dial 911.



The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 244

In this episode we learn how Mark has put a stop to his almost constant throat clearing. Plus the guys talk about 55 cent Whoppers, the notorious prank call, dogs and more!

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Minisode 83

This time the guys talk about the death of the world’s tallest woman, selling your used gold, Cline’s neighbor, finding rare artifacts in your back yard and more!

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Minisode 82

The Cosby show or as my grandma called it, The Crosby Show.

The guys start off by arguing over how Mark starts the Minisodes. Finally after they are done fighting they manage to get to some topics like the lady who got her face ripped off by the chimp and got 4 million bucks for her troubles. Cline then asks Mark if he would give up his face for a nice payday. Plus, they talk about the Cosby show and introduce some more new characters like Contrary Carl and more!