Today The guys give Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys a listen. If the lyrics in this song are to be taken literally then someone should grab a fire extinguisher or call the fire brigade before someone gets hurt.
This podcast train keeps rolling with the guys talking about dish pan hands and Mark’s secret hand moisturizer. In the Hot Topics portion of the program we learn that people today are not as intelligent as people in Roman times or even 100, 000 years ago. We then learn the homeless have the best chance to survive the Apocalypse. We also learn about the new Google Glass device that might be out at the end of the year.
Justin loves his suit and tie so much he wrote a horrible song about it.
We are back with some more music reviews, which include us talking over the music. This time the guys listen to the new single by Justin Timberlake, Suit And Tie, because everyone likes a good song about their clothing.
The show starts off with Cline addressing something that Mark said in one of the music review podcasts about how he has never had a song in his head or his heart. After we find out that Mark is less than human the guys discuss boring people on twitter and wondering who these people think are paying attention to their every idle thought. Later the guys talk about Jimmy Fallon and the Tonight Show, Lindsey Lohan’s underwear, 3
Most boring candy bar ever!
Musketeers Candy, church pews, creaky beds, custom Monopoly boards and more!
In the 80’s action shows with pseudo violence were the king of the hill. Shows like A-Team were #1 in their time slot for years. The cartoonish violence was a trademark of 80’s action shows where thousands of bullets and hundreds of explosions accounted for very few serious injuries or deaths.
This week we watch one of the most infamous episodes of the series which featured a cameo by androgynous pop star Boy George. The cameo made little to no sense but the A-team were looking for ratings and Boy George and Culture Club were trying to keep their careers alive as the late 80’s approached. Get your Netflix, Hulu or DVD ready* and enjoy the A-Team Commentary Podcast! Season 4: Episode 16- “Cowboy George”
*Line our audio up with the playback online or your DVD.