Category Archives: Shut Up And Watch The Movie

Miami Connection: Netflix Commentary Podcast

Miami Connection (1987)
Miami Connection (1987)

This time we watch a classic B-movie from 1987 called Miami Connection. The film is the tale of a Synth pop band who happens to have some incredible martial art abilities, which comes in handy throughout the movie as they are attacked by various other bands, street thugs and ninjas. Yes, I said ninjas. The acting in this film is horrible. The actors put little to no effort into their acting and many of the seem pretty unsure about their lines, like they just grabbed a few random dudes off the streets and stuck them in the movie. The band’s main man is Mark, played by the films producer and writer Y.K. Kim, a Korean immigrant, who evidently sometimes misses his family, who has a black belt in tae kwon do, which we learn from the multiple thugs mentioning this as they run away from Mark and the rest of his band with their tails between their legs. This fact is confirmed by the fact that Mark and his band mates have the word ” Tae Kwon Do” embroidered on the back of their gi.

Just in case you were wondering.
Just in case you were wondering.

The movie has all of the classic B-movie elements, bad acting, bad dialogue, bad soundtrack, gore,  random breasts and a plot where the motives of the characters are questionable at best.  This movie is short and sweet and is totally worth your time and Netflix superscription. The movie which was originally panned as one of the worst movies ever was re-released in 2010 to become the cult classic it is considered today.  To listen to our commentary podcast just cue up your Netflix and wait for us to tell you to hit play!


Knight Rider Series Finale TV Commentary Podcast- Shut Up And Watch The Movie!


This week we are back in the world of 80’s TV and watch the series finale of what was one of our favorite shows when we were kids, Knight Rider. Looking back now, it seems we had horrible taste in television, but that car was and is so cool. As was the case with Murder She Wrote, which we did a commentary for a few weeks ago, the finale was pretty much just a normal episode. The producers and actors knew that the show had a declining audience and the end was near so they wrote an episode titled The Scent Of Roses where Michael’s fiancé was killed, that was supposed to be a finale but instead the network put that episode in the middle of the season and ended the series with the episode we watch, called Voo Doo Knight. So, get you Netflix of DVD ready and listen to our commentary of the series finale of the 1980’s hit Knight Rider.

Season 4 Episode 22: Voo Doo Knight

LOL Movie Commentary Podcast- Shut Up And Watch The Movie!


This week the guys jump back into this decade for a change and watch the 2012 film, LOL, starring the mush mouthed Miley Cyrus.

Not Known for her acting chops or as a particularly great singer, Miley has still managed to defy the odds of being a celebrity’s daughter to gain super stardom within the teen demographic. This movie is every thing you would expect from a PG-13 teen drama that sometimes marketed itself as a comedy. John Hughes would roll in his grave if he saw this sorry excuse for a teen drama. Every moment of the film is contrived and the exceptionally beautiful twenty- something actors who play high school students are not people that the average american teen could relate to. The movie has it’s fair share of questionable scenes which would make most parents cringe if they were watching this movie with a younger child. Like the opening scene where Miley’s Lola character walks in on her mom, played by Demi Moore, taking a bath with her younger sister and decides it would be a good time to strip down herself and take a shower which prompts her mom to question her “Brazilian” waxed nether regions. There is also plenty of bra wearing sex and closed mouth kissing that pushed this movie to the PG-13 rating. Overall this film lacks any real story or direction and the writing can be quite lazy with the use of the journal to let us know exactly how Miley’s character feels throughout the movie and is used as a plot tool to create friction and drama between her and her mom. In the end the Whiz Kids both give this movie two stars for no reason other than there were some attractive girls in the movie and because Mark didn’t fall asleep during the viewing for a change. So, get your Netflix (or DVD) ready and line up our audio for the 2012 movie LOL. Press play, now!





Murder She Wrote Series Finale | Netflix Movie Commentary Podcast

Series Finale (1996)
Series Finale (1996)

In 1995 after twelve glorious seasons of Murder, She Wrote, the favorite show of senior citizens everywhere, came to a close. After being moved to Thursdays in direct competition with NBCs historically  successful Must See TV line up the show lost the good majority of its ratings. At the end of its eleventh season it enjoyed being the eighth most watched television show but would fall to the fifty-eighth in the final season. At this point CBS decided that they were sick of all their viewers dying of natural causes and wanted to start to skew the demographics of the network to the younger crowd and would cancel the show at the end of the 1995-1996 season. In the series finale the shows story line would coincidentally  or maybe not so coincidentally cover that same topic. It is clear when you watch the finale that the writers and producers were not planning on this being the finale episode of the series. It runs just as every other episode of the program did throughout the twelve years of being on the air. There would be a murder, Angela Lansbury would sniff around the crime scene and eventually solve the case for the seemingly clueless police detectives. This episode was much of the same and could be the worst series finale in the history of television with the motive of the killer being questionable at best. Luckily for us CBS put out a few made for TV movies of Murder She Wrote in the late nineties and early two thousands so we could all get our Jessica Fletcher fix. Angela Lansbury is still kicking around as I type this so we might luck out and get one more taste of everyone’s favorite whodunit series before she leaves this earth. So get your Netflix ready, call your Grandma and get ready to hit play! From May 16th 1996 here is the series finale of Murder She Wrote with an episode called “Death By Demographics” (Season 12, Episode 24).

Shut Up And Watch The Movie!: BMX Bandits


BMX Bandits (1983)
BMX Bandits (1983)

Wow. What a bad movie. This week we watch the 1983 movie BMX Bandits, a movie that is probably 30 minutes too long and has a story line that is a little bit absurd. The movie features a 16 year old Nicole Kidman. The movie features obnoxiously long chase themes involving cars and BMX bikes and of course the kids are way smarter than the adult criminal types and in the end save the day. All in all this is one of the worst movies we have ever seen. So get your Netflix ready to line up with our audio and pres play now!




