Category Archives: Podcasts

The End Of The Podcast-The Hotshot Whiz kids Podcast Episode 625

This time on the show the guys talk about why you can’t change people’s minds and cognitive biases. Later the guys  talk about myths a lot of people believe. Plus the guys talk about a guy named Elliott, getting yourself connected, ending the podcast and more!

Predictabilities: Recording Our Lives

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Predictabilities is back with a brand new episode. This time the guys predict the future of recording our lives. Since the dawn of the social media era we have slowly transitioned to recording our daily lives. Is this just the beginning? How much of our lives will we record in the future? How will we control what people see of our lives and are we all headed for one shared consciousness> All that and more on this episode of Predictabilities.

Country Songs About Running into Your Ex-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Pop Clips!


This week on the show we visit with Kimmy who is once again pissed that she is not receiving all of her SSI money that is probably going to stuff like her rent and utility bills. Later we hear from yet another person giving a review of the diet coffee that Scott “Burn My Goat Guy” was trying to sell a few weeks ago and she was way better at it. Plus we listen to a brand new brn my goat segment. Plus the guy listen to insensitive mattress sales and country songs about running into your ex.

Is That An Ambush Or A Circle Jerk? -The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 624


This time on the show the guys talk about fragile birds and bird attacks. Plus the guys talk about dead people in movies, Young Frankenstein and more. Plus cline talks about his dream and his witty dream dialog.