Category Archives: Podcasts

Some Goofball In A Hat-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 627

What Mark's Watching.
What Mark’s Watching.

This time on the show the guys discuss football, bad teachers and announcing a streaker on the field. Plus much much more!

Down With DirecTV-TV/Movie Cynics Netflix Hulu Reviews-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast


This time on the show the guys talked about cancelling DirecTV and offer some tips on how to get the best deals when it comes to cable and Dish. Cline also talks about his new TV. Plus the guys talk about Adam Ruins Everything and Mark decides he like Supergirl now.

The Ploduct Brog-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Pop Clips!


This time on the show we visit all of the usuals including the Burn My Goat guy who is selling yet another product and he promotes his “ploduct brog. plus we compare lady Gaga to yet another Madonna song and we listen back to the number one song this week in 1986. Plus an internet exorcist and more!

She’s A Beauty-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 626


This time on the show the guys talk about Mark’s dating history miniature people,  yelling out song titles at the movies, The Tubes, Peep Shows and another argument about gender.

Craigslist Corral: Elmira New York


We’ve been to the big cities, so now let’s try some small towns. This week we head to central New York and the city of Elmira New York where the Craigslist is just as creepy and desperate as ever!