Category Archives: Movie Cynics

Birdman Review-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Movie Cynics


This time Cline reviews Birdman, which he insists Mark would not care for. Mark talks about a new CW TV show, iZombie that he started watching.

Gone Girl And Robocop-Movie Cynic Netflix Reviews

gonegirlThis week on the show  the guys review a couple more Netflix movies as well as a film that hasn’t made it to Netflix, yet. First Mark gives his opinion on the Robocop reboot, which Cline hasn’t seen yet. Later Cline talks about The Giant Mechanical Man, a movie starring Pam from the office and some dude. Plus Cline reviews the hit movie Gone Girl which is available on DVD and paid streaming sites.

Frank And The One I Love Netflix Reviews The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Movie Cynics


This week the guys review some more Netflix movies. First they review the great film, The One I Love, which has such a great plot, that we can’t even tell you anything without giving it away. Cline also reviews his favorite movie of 2014, Frank. Frank-Movie-Poster

Boyhood Review-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Movie Cynics


This week the movie cynics review a couple of movies. Cline reviews the Oscar nominated coming of age tale, Boyhood and Mark talks about a movie he saw on Netflix called Horns that stars Harry Potter.

It’s A Disaster-Netflix Movie Reviews


This time on the Podcast the guys couldn’t decide on what to watch and review so they each do their own thing. Cline reviews It’s a Disaster and mark reviews a few series he has been watching.