Category Archives: Craigslist Corral

Craigslist Corral: Cleveland Ohio


Believe it or not, we have visited pretty much every major city in these United States in the past two years or so we’ve done the Corral. So, now we have no choice but to make some return visits to these cities. This week we head back to Cleveland Ohio,  home of the Browns, Indians, Cavaliers and sadness and there is no shortage of said sadness in the personal ads of Craigslist!

Craigslist Corral: New York City


It’s time to travel back to the Craigslist Corral and this time we are back in the Big Apple where there are more people than almost anywhere else hanging around on Craigslist looking for love or something like it.

Craigslist Corral: San Francisco California

San Francisco, CA, USA

It’s Friday again and what better way to celebrate another week with a trip to the Craigslist Corral? This week we head to San Francisco where we meet up with some of the creepiest, most desperate potential suitors in the west.

Craigslist Corral: Back In Hawaii – The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast


This week on the Craigslist Corral we are back in Hawaii where it’s a new year, but we see the same old creeps in the Craigslist personal ads!

Craigslist Corral: Pittsburgh PA

pittThis week we head back tot he steel city for yet another round of the Craigslist Corral, where we read from some personal ads.