Category Archives: Craigslist Corral

Craigslist Corral: Las Vegas Nevada


This week in the Corral we are back in Sin city where the strange things on Craigslist seem rather pedestrian compared to all of the other debauchery that you may find on and around Las Vegas.

Craigslist Corral: Newark, New jersey






This time on in the Craigslist Corral the guys head to Newark, New jersey. They discuss the name of the city nd wonder if it’s just a poor man’s New York. They also talk about bagging groceries and read from some exciting Craigslist Ads from Newark, New Jersey!

Craigslist Corral: Billings Montana


This week in the Craigslist Corral we are in the great city of Billings Montana, which was one of the first places we visited on the Corral. It turns out that montana is still the almost deserted wasteland it was the last time we visited, but there is never a shortage of creeps and losers looking for a good time on the Craigslist!

Craigslist Corral: Charlotte NC


This week in the Craigslist corral we head to Charlotte, home of the NFC champion Panthers. This week we meet some more assorted sad sacks and freaks just looking for love on the web.

Craigslist Corral: Phoenix Arizona


We’re back in Phoenix this week for the Corral, where the guys talk about how depressing Sundays can be if you have a job. The guys also read ads from the personal section that are even sadder than a Sunday in March.