Category Archives: Craigslist Corral

Craigslist Corral: Vancouver Canada








This week we head back to the great white north, to a little town that goes by the name Vancouver where we once again browse the personal ads on Craigslist. This week we meet plenty of BBWs, a few creeps and a guy who sells edibles and is sick of tired of his ads getting reported.

Craigslist Corral: Rochester, NY-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast


This timeĀ in the Craigslist Corral we head just a little ways down the road from the studios to the city of Rochester, NY. As usual we take a look at the seedy world of Craigslist personal ads.

Craigslist Corral: Little Rock Arkansas


Hey! Welcome back to yet another installment of the ever popular Craigslist Corral. This wee we head south to Little Rock Arkansas for more predictable Craigslist fun!

Craigslist Corral: Jacksonville Florida-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast


This time on the podcast the guys visit the great city of Jacksonville. Home of several strip clubs Mark and Cline once visited a decade or so ago. The guys reminisce about the strip clubs and then dive deep into the seedy world of Craigslist personal ads, Jacksonville Florida style!

Craigslist Corral: Milwaukee Wisconsin


We have been here before, but we are back again in Milwaukee Wisconsin to browse the Craigslist personal adds for love, romance and other things of that nature!