Category Archives: Craigslist Corral

Craigslist Corral: Louisville Kentucky- Miscellaneous Romance




This week we head to the home of baseball bats and read a few ads in the miscellaneous romance section, which is quickly becoming are favorite section of Craigslist.


Craigslist Corral: Missed Connections Salt Lake City Utah


This week we head out west for a quick look at some of the missed connection ads on Craigslist in the great city of Salt lake. As usual some horribly desperate losers are leaving ads that they cannot possibly believe will actually be answered by the person they are trying to connect with, but you never know.

Craigslist Corral: Miscellaneous Romance York PA


This time in the podcast corral the guys travel to the great city of York, Pennsylvania and take a look at some interesting Miscellaneous Romance ads. As usual the ads stink of desperation and sadness and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Enjoy!

Craigslist Corral: Tuscaloosa Alabama Missed Connections


This time on the Craigslist Corral podcast the guys talk about the latest Craigslist killer who claims she is a satanic serial killer. Plus we head down to ‘Bama where we take a look at some of the missed connection ads that people have posted in Tuscaloosa.

Craigslist Corral: Wichita Kansas W4M


This time on the Craigslist corral segment of the podcast the guys travel to Wichita Kansas where they peruse through the personals and look at some of the Woman For men ads.