Category Archives: Craigslist Corral

Craigslist Corral: San Diego


It’s an all request weekend at the Hotshot Whiz Kids ranch and this time we travel west to the little paradise known as San Diego, California. We jump into the Missed Connections section and have some fun with the usual desperate cast of characters.

Craigslist Corral: New York City


This week we head to the Big Apple for a look at the Misc Romance section, where read from some of the creepiest and sad personal ads known to man.

Craigslist Corral: West Virginia Missed Connections


We’re back in the Corral and traveling to Mountaineer country on a trip to the great state of West Virginia. We head into the missed connections section where some people are hoping they can find the soul mate they met at Petco, plus more!

Craigslist Corral: M4W Milwaukee Wisconsin


This week we head to Milwaukee Wisconsin where we enjoy an ice cold beer and read some ads that some super desperate dudes have posted, looking for true love or maybe just some sex.