All posts by The Hotshot Whiz Kids

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Archives Episode 1


Here it is, our very first episode, which was originally recorded on July 23rd 2010 and released on July 26th 2010. When we first started we didn’t even come up with a format, basically we just hit record and let it rip. At the time we had a horrible microphone setup, as in we didn’t have one at all. We just used the built in laptop microphone on Cline’s laptop. You will notice the missing theme music and Mark’s signature intro.   In the episode the guys talk about Cline’s no vomit streak anniversary, urinal etiquette, creeping on girls on the internet and more!

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Minisode 119

In this rather serious episode the guys talk about the Spread The Word To End The Word campaign and Cline speaks out on how he is against any, what he calls, watering down of the language. The discuss using the forbidden words and talk about the consequences of using them in public. Later we find out that Mark didn’t know the the word canoodle until Cline used it around the year 2002.

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Minisode 118


The show starts off with Cline telling us how much he enjoys Tegan and Sara and explains how he likes when girls who are not interested in him are lesbians. Mark disagrees with Cline and they debate whether it is better to get rejected because the girl is not attracted to you or because she is a lesbian. Plus some more stories from the guy’s stadium security days which included dealing with their boss who was an orphan.

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Episode 267


The guys start off by pondering Q-tips and analyze the philosophical significance of a box of Q-tips and how we watch our lives slip away one Q-tip at a time. The guys also discuss addiction and self medicating. Later Cline complains about not being able to find retro Hot Wheels because collectors gobble them all up. Cline also presents his idea for novelty tampons and the guys review all of their past inventions throughout the years and talk about the commercial that asks for your invention ideas. Cline also complains that the art institute changed their commercial and the guys reminisce about the old cotton jingle. Plus the guys talk about Mark’s inability to enjoy music once again.Plus More!

Cotton Commercial 1990’s

Shut Up And Watch The Movie!: Explorers | Movie Commentary Podcast

Explorers (1985)
Explorers (1985)

This week on our Netflix movie commentary podcast is a personal favorite of mine, Explorers. It is a movie about a few kids, who are evidently super geniuses, who manage to build their own space ship. The movie takes advantage of every kid’s fantasy to just get away from it all and you can’t get much further away than actually leaving the planet earth. The movie loses something at the end when they finally meet the aliens, who happen to be kids themselves (spoiler), but all in all this is a fantastic Sci-Fi fantasy movie from the same people who made Gremlins and one of my favorites, Innerspace, which came out a couple of years later. Explorers was also the the debut film of Ethan Hawke And the late River Phoenix. I should also note that movie came out the same summer as my favorite movie of all time Back To The Future, so it was a great summer for science fiction films. Check out our commentary of this film this weekend on Shut Up And watch The movie!




